Cut Out + Keep

Marshmallow Party Favors

Excellent and easy! cute for treats! • Posted by Scrabulous Mcfee

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0 h 25


Nice & Simple
Medium christmas 1261349621



  1. Small christmas 002 1261350145

    Pop your Marshmallows on the lollipop sticks, you can get these at any craft store. No luck? Popsicle sticks to the rescue! (Popsicle sticks also look cute with a little ribbon attached to them so they aren't as plain)

  2. Small christmas 003 1261350233

    Get your double boiler warmed up, I put about half the pot full of water. Bring to a slow boil and throw the chocolate buttons in. Let them warm up about 2-3 minutes(I don't have a double boiler so I used my mixing bowl on top as a variation.)

  3. Small christmas 005 1261350460

    Give them a stir on and off until they start to get soft and gooey. (can you spot my cat in this picture?)

  4. Small christmas 006 1261350573

    After it's all nice and liquid like, lightly roll your Mallows through the chocolate and tap the stick on the side of the bowl a little to get off the excess chocolate so it's not super thick. I added some food coloring to it so you can see the chocolate better on the Marshmallow :)

  5. Small christmas 007 1261350716

    Tap the freshly dipped Mallows into sprinkles lightly, this is why I say to tap off the excess chocolate otherwise you will have huge globs of chocolate in your sprinkles. the picture isn't super clear but you get the idea. :)

  6. Small christmas 008 1261350948

    Place them on the baking pan covered in wax paper and let cool either in the freezer for 5 minutes or just on their own for about 20 minutes.

  7. Small christmas 009 1261351157

    After they are cool, you can wrap them in cellophane bags and give them as awesome little party favors. I Used nuts and crushed candy cane as well with milk chocolate for Christmas stocking stuffers.

  8. Small christmas 011 1261351399

    Voila! and they only took me about 25 minutes from start to finish :) Enjoy!