Cut Out + Keep

Mario Mushroom I Pod Cozy!

Based on Mario Mushroom I Pod Cozy! by maudie • Posted by Lauren S.

I love all things Mario! So when I saw this I thought it was so cute! I made it for my Ipod nano. It was a little bit of trial and error but in the end workd out well. I started at the bottom, cast on 22st. stst 23 rows, change to red, stst 15 rows decreasing 1 at the beginning and end of the last row. Cast off. then i made the straps (a little too big) co 3, stst 25 rows Cast off. sew main piece, down one side and the bottom (leaving a hole for the cord to connect). I then sewed the straps and buttons on! voila! now my ipods nice and warm ;)

You will need


2 h 50


Medium 100 4925 1273908961 Medium 100 4924 1273908981


I love all things Mario! So when I saw this I thought it was so cute! I made it for my Ipod nano. It was a little bit of trial and error but in the end workd out well. I started at the bottom, cast on 22st. stst 23 rows, change to red, stst 15 rows decreasing 1 at the beginning and end of the last row. Cast off. then i made the straps (a little too big) co 3, stst 25 rows Cast off. sew main piece, down one side and the bottom (leaving a hole for the cord to connect). I then sewed the straps and buttons on! voila! now my ipods nice and warm ;)
