Cut Out + Keep

Mario Mushroom

Mario, 1-up mushroom, key ring, • Posted by Sabrina

A cute little 1-up mushroom key ring.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium dscf1433 1315154499


A cute little 1-up mushroom key ring.


  1. Small dscf1437 1315156949

    make a template.

  2. Small dscf1441 1315157364

    cut out the 2 sections of the template in green and white felt, 2 green head sections & 2 white face sections [you can use any colour you like for the head]

  3. Small dscf1442 1315158353

    cut out these 8 pieces in white felt, 4 white circles and 4 white half circles

  4. Small dscf1443 1315158366

    sew together the 2 face sections and the 2 head sections to the face

  5. Small dscf1445 1315158383

    once all 4 pieces are sewn together add some eyes with thread

  6. Small dscf1446 1315158404

    sew on each circle 4 each side

  7. Small dscf1433 1315158448

    [optional] add a key ring with a few stitches at the top of the little mushroom. then all done :)