Cut Out + Keep

6. Mario Bros

A paper Mario Bros doesn't stop us from playing. • Posted by Arnaud P.

For this 6th piece, I chose a pattern representing Mario Bros. I wanted to get out of animal themes (that I particularly like) to highlight an intricate work of color on a famous character. This papercut will be made differently from the previous ones, it will consist of a black paper "silhouette", in which will be added different sheets of colored paper. This method is quite tricky to perform, especially on a small size model like this one. Some small flying parts will be expected.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


20 h 00


Medium 2021 05 22 135100 20 Medium 2021 05 22 135712 21 Medium 2021 05 22 135822 22


For this 6th piece, I chose a pattern representing Mario Bros. I wanted to get out of animal themes (that I particularly like) to highlight an intricate work of color on a famous character. This papercut will be made differently from the previous ones, it will consist of a black paper "silhouette", in which will be added different sheets of colored paper. This method is quite tricky to perform, especially on a small size model like this one. Some small flying parts will be expected.


  1. Small 2021 05 22 142146 2

    As usual, draw your pattern right side up on tracing paper, it is important to trace it and cut it upside down. Once your transferred pattern, if the drawing is not visible enough on black paper, feel free to draw it again with your pencil.

  2. Small 2021 05 22 142203 3

    Start the cutout with the few flying pieces located on the hand and the ear.

  3. Small 2021 05 22 142240 4

    Then cut out the small elements of the face as precisely as possible.

  4. Small 2021 05 22 142306 5

    Continue with the cap, the details of the capital M are delicate so take your time on this step.

  5. Small 2021 05 22 142657 6

    Now the face piece, difficult and careful cutting, be sure to follow your drawing.

  6. Small 2021 05 22 142954 8

    Continue your cut through the bottom and the arms which are relatively easy, then finish the overalls and arms, precise step for the details of the glove and the button of the overalls.

  7. Small 2021 05 22 143232 10

    Interior parts cut out, we can cut out the perimeter to detach the pattern. Remember to keep the loose parts that are of great importance.

  8. Small 2021 05 22 143441 11

    It's time to choose the colors of the paper that will be underneath.

  9. Small 2021 05 22 143711 12

    The chosen colors, you must now draw the elements one by one using the drawing on tracing paper. You will cut then these elements taking care to keep a margin for glue.

  10. Small 2021 05 22 143919 13

    Restart this step for each color element up to all credit notes cut out.

  11. Small 2021 05 22 144027 14

    Start adjusting and gluing color elements with your mouth and hands.

  12. Small 2021 05 22 144129 15

    The advantage of sticking on the back of the black paper allows to have a front face without burrs.

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    Repeat the operation with the elements of the overalls.

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    Continue with facial details first, and finish with the large cream-colored piece of the face to fix all the elements together.

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    Finally, there are only a few loose pieces left to glue, this time on the front.

  16. Small 2021 05 22 145202 received 1358948367790474

    There is also the small red capital M reported that will need cut out slightly smaller than the black M below.

  17. Small 2021 05 22 150825 20bis

    When finished, you can frame it in a frame with a transparent background for better result.