March Hare Costume

Who says the March Hare can't be cute?

Posted by Darling Chelsea


I really love Alice in Wonderland so I decided to make myself a character.

Alice is kinda overrated and soo.... I made myself the March Hare!


You Will Need (12 things)

  • Wire
  • Wire Cutters
  • 2 Shades Of Brown Fabric
  • Needle & Thread
  • Needle & Thread
  • White Fabric
  • Ribbon
  • Headband
  • Cotton
  • Zipper
  • Hot Glue Gun And Sticks
  • Hot Glue Gun And Sticks

Steps (16 steps, 540 minutes)

  1. 1

    I listed key points about the March Hare.
    - Red jacket
    - Floppy lopsided ears
    - Brown face, golden eyes
    - Blue ribbon

  2. 2

    Jessi and I set off to Goodwill where I bought a long brown dress, a white t shirt and red blazer for nearly $8. So not bad at all!

    I purchased the thick blue ribbon and the thin long brown ribbon from Walmart. That was like $2 bucks.

  3. 3

    By sketching out what I thought would not only serve justice for the character but for myself I came up with the following!

    Although I didn't put the white fabric skirt (thing) around the legs and I used brown leggings instead of what I initially wanted to wear; brown fishnets.

    The leggings make the outfit polished I believe.

  4. 4

    The pieces that I believed I would need were drawn on sheets of paper and then transferred to the brown dress.

    I used a seam ripper to dissect the dress. On the outside was the light brown fuzzy side. The inside was a smooth dark brown. Those sides would be used to create the different shades of brown for my costume.

  5. 5

    It was really tricky because I'm kind of a "wing it" person. I just go by and learn from myself along the way. I find that it's more enjoyable because I remember more ha

    I had trial and error a lot during the process of getting the body suit to fit accordingly. Especially the rump area because I am so used to making my undies, I made my butt kind of... exposed. So don't do that!

    If you're good with measurements - go for it!

  6. 6

    I like a deep v-neck kind of from the white t shirt and then stitched it to the front of my suit.

    I messed up though by not doing it on a long enough shirt so if you look closely you'll see a seam from where I had to add extra fabric.

  7. 7

    By using these shapes, I made my sides darker and smoother. I thought it made for a cool effect. I ran into an issue when the added dark brown fabric made me look a little wider and bulkier.

  8. 8

    To fix that problem I laced the ribbon down the sides of the fabric and it fixed the problem!

  9. 9

    I had to fit the blazer because it was too big on me. I did the fitting first, which I probably shouldn't have.

    Then I cut off almost half from the bottom half of the blazer and as well as the sleeves of the jacket.

  10. 10

    I added elastic to the edges of the sleeves and then hemmed up everything.

  11. 11

    Unfortunately, I had a lot of difficulty with the rabbit ears.

    I used a wire hanger, cut the hanger in half. Then took off the hanging part (?). After I did that I fitted one side with the light brown fabric and then the front with the smoother fabric.

  12. 12

    At first, I just stitched the ears onto a strip and tied it to my head.

    Then, after my mom brought to my attention that it would eventually fail me, I decided to hot glue fabric onto a headband and then glue the ears to the headband as well.

  13. 13

    The tail was tricky too. And it should have the been the simplest :/

    I hot glued cotton balls onto the back because I couldn't for the life of me make one with fabric for some reason!

    I suggest not doing this though because halfway through the night one of my cotton balls fell off and I had white cotton strings hanging off of my rump :/

  14. 14

    I did my makeup according to how I thought it would represent myself as well as the March Hare in a costume and I think I did a rather good job with it :p

    My nose is like a fuscia color I guess? I used a lot of gold and browns this.

  15. 15

    Finally I just teased the mess out of my hair (literally). My hair is normally as flat and straight as a piece of wood hahaha

    Bad thing though was that it rained when we all went out to collect can good donations while the kids we were watching trick or treated.(Sadly, we only recieved one can :/)

  16. 16

    I hope this helped!

    If I could do this over again, I would have worn brown boots instead of black and I would have added cute little brown gloves....

    But I'm overall proud of my costume!