Cut Out + Keep

Marbled Stickers

A fun way to decorate plain stickers • Posted by emusing-emma

Marbling is a big trend at the moment, and many crafters are using it on nails, homewares and clothes. Here's how you can decorate some plain stickers with marbling, which you then can use to decorate notebooks, your locker, or anything really!

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Almost Nothing


0 h 15


Nice & Simple
Medium 104085 2f2014 08 26 182737 img 9270%2b 28large 29


Marbling is a big trend at the moment, and many crafters are using it on nails, homewares and clothes. Here's how you can decorate some plain stickers with marbling, which you then can use to decorate notebooks, your locker, or anything really!


  1. Small 104085 2f2014 08 26 182746 img 85692%2b 28large 29

    Drip nail polish onto the surface of the water. If you like, swirl it about with a cocktail stick.

  2. Small 104085 2f2014 08 26 182924 img 8570%2b 28large 29

    Place a sticker face down on top of the water, and lift up.

  3. Small 104085 2f2014 08 26 183004 img 8653%2b 28large 29

    Leave to dry thoroughly before use. If you run your fingernail or a craft knife around the edge of the stickers, it will prevent any excess nail polish lifting up with the sticker.