Cut Out + Keep

Manga Felt Plushie

hi ya! • Posted by ~-*animelover~-*

Isn't he cute?? I made him a big smile and I like it. I also made him pink cheeks with my pastels, but you can't see it at the pictures because I did the cheeks today XD

You will need

Project Budget


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 547578 381278658572429 100000708944528 1165013 474790390 n Medium 559183 381278561905772 100000708944528 1165012 330373085 n Medium 380644 381278731905755 100000708944528 1165014 1168509387 n


Isn't he cute?? I made him a big smile and I like it. I also made him pink cheeks with my pastels, but you can't see it at the pictures because I did the cheeks today XD
