Cut Out + Keep

Manga 'Cinderella'

heavily based on a page from the manga Shinshi Doumei Cross :P • Posted by hannah g.

the original picture is from chapter 1 of Shinshi Doemei Cross (page 39/46) that i saw a while back on mangareader (if you havent read the manga, it is one that i'd recommend reading ^^) seen here: i drew this only becuase i wanted to mess around with my crayola crayons a bit :P i had fun and tried to practice drawing feathers which ive never considered myself very good at. whilst drawing i did have a picture for referance (i REALLY wanted to get the details right) i take no credit for the actual design as both the character Haine Otomiya and the picture of her i have imitated are credited to the brilliant Arina Tanemura ^^ but that poor excuse for a background is my own :P

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium 2011 08 25 02.51.09 1314241515 Medium 2011 08 25 02.50.58 1314241554 Medium 2011 08 25 02.53.41 1314241570 Medium 2011 08 25 02.53.51 1314241672


the original picture is from chapter 1 of Shinshi Doemei Cross (page 39/46) that i saw a while back on mangareader (if you havent read the manga, it is one that i'd recommend reading ^^) seen here: i drew this only becuase i wanted to mess around with my crayola crayons a bit :P i had fun and tried to practice drawing feathers which ive never considered myself very good at. whilst drawing i did have a picture for referance (i REALLY wanted to get the details right) i take no credit for the actual design as both the character Haine Otomiya and the picture of her i have imitated are credited to the brilliant Arina Tanemura ^^ but that poor excuse for a background is my own :P
