Cut Out + Keep

Mandalas And Zentangles

Mandalas and Zentangles • Posted by Carsmystical

Find a design of shape I liked then let the imagination go, I used paint pens, watercolour pencils, paints,with the cats on black I lightly coated the picture with white acrylic paint mixed with retarder. Painted on Canvas sheets, watercolour paper.

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Project Budget


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 110319 2f2015 08 07 030944 2015 07 28 10.16.51 Medium 110319 2f2015 08 07 031053 20150723 105230 1 Medium 110319 2f2015 08 07 031248 07112015055329pm Medium 110319 2f2015 08 07 032604 20150727 201212 1 1 Medium 110319 2f2015 08 07 032640 20150727 201212 1 2 Medium 110319 2f2015 08 07 032900 20150727 201212 1 3 Medium 110319 2f2015 08 07 033023 20150727 201212 1 4 Medium 110319 2f2015 08 07 033528 20150807 133156 1 Medium 110319 2f2015 08 07 033557 20150807 133156 2 Medium 110319 2f2015 08 07 034231 fromcindy1 2 Medium 110319 2f2015 08 07 034402 fromcindy1 1


Find a design of shape I liked then let the imagination go, I used paint pens, watercolour pencils, paints,with the cats on black I lightly coated the picture with white acrylic paint mixed with retarder. Painted on Canvas sheets, watercolour paper.
