Halloweens around the corner you know and whats more better than fake blood? Well im going to give you 3 ways to make up your own concoction of fake blood.
Sorry, i don't have my own pictures for this project. I used one that i found of photobucket.
Libby W. favorited Making Fake Blood 22 Aug 08:52
You Will Need
Step 1
Fake blood recipe #1
Homemade Fake Blood (non-toxic)1 c. Karo Syrup
1 Tbsp Water
2 Tbsp Red Food Coloring
1 tsp Blue or Yellow Food ColoringMix all ingredients together in a bowl and your done. You can add as much food coloring as you would like to get that ideal shade of real blood. Also, if you would to thicken it up a bit. Add a small amount of sifted flower to the mix and stir in.
Step 2
Fake blood recipe #2
Chocolate Fake Blood (edible)1/2 c. Warm Water
4 Tbsp Corn Syrup
1 Tbsp Powdered Cocoa
1 tsp Red Food ColoringMix the water and cocoa together and then add the rest of the ingredients. Let the concoction sit for awhile and skim the bubbles off of the top. Add a couple of drops of yellow/blue food coloring if you're not satisfied.
Step 3
Fake blood recipe #3
Realistic Blood (non-edible)2/3 c. Corn Syrup
1/3 c. Warm Water
5 Tbsp Corn Starch
4 tsp red food coloring
1 Tbsp Powdered Cocoa
2 drops of green or yellow food coloringMix the corn starch with the water in a large mixing bowl. Stir in the corn syrup. Add the food coloring slowly, checking for color.
I like the idea of edible fake blood though *happy*!!!!!!!!!
I live in England and we don't have corn syrup or Karo syrup over here. CAn you please explain what they're like and I'll try and think of an alternative. Thanks x
CO + K User