• Posted by Jet H.
I have learned this years ago from on a craft market of the dutch art fabric magazine goed handwerken. and thought oooh this is great saw directly that you could do with this a lot more like making glass curtains jewelry for all other art projects cloths and cards for making fairy wings ;-D for a background. lamp shades i had to make a webbing for my lampshade that is shaped like a flame. and thought mayby some of you are interesting to make your own webbing. but i have cheat because i have asked some of you if you really wanted to know this.LOL Thank you my friends for your suport!! <3 Hope that others like this too and got enthousiastic. Notes when you have lay out the fibres and there is wind you can use some plant sprayer. with some water in it, so the fibres would be heavier to blow away. don't like to do that, but sometimes it can be smart and wise. the tute time is without drying time.!!! You can use all kinds of fibres too natural ones but synthetics are working great as well. much fun with the your trying out. You can use your own hailr or animal hair as well. feel free to ask me your questions. thank you very much for stopping by;-D
I have learned this years ago from on a craft market of the dutch art fabric magazine goed handwerken. and thought oooh this is great saw directly that you could do with this a lot more like making glass curtains jewelry for all other art projects cloths and cards for making fairy wings ;-D for a background. lamp shades i had to make a webbing for my lampshade that is shaped like a flame. and thought mayby some of you are interesting to make your own webbing. but i have cheat because i have asked some of you if you really wanted to know this.LOL Thank you my friends for your suport!! <3 Hope that others like this too and got enthousiastic. Notes when you have lay out the fibres and there is wind you can use some plant sprayer. with some water in it, so the fibres would be heavier to blow away. don't like to do that, but sometimes it can be smart and wise. the tute time is without drying time.!!! You can use all kinds of fibres too natural ones but synthetics are working great as well. much fun with the your trying out. You can use your own hailr or animal hair as well. feel free to ask me your questions. thank you very much for stopping by;-D
make your own the fabric stiffner. a. you can chose for this pva glue. but then it not water proof and must you still use some water resistand suply for some of your usings. You can use for in house hairspray the cheap ones. Choose the heavy duty pva glue and you must make it very strong by using much powder in your recipy with water. More then on the box is subscriped and lesser water. b.You can use woodglue but don't use water to make it thinner. or white glue. by this kind of glues the downside would be glanced like it has a plastic layer on it. If you don't like that, you must turn the whole time the fabric when it's drying. it's better water proof , specially when you use the wood glue that's water proof. For other things for making fabric stiff you must do this use a bowl with water and dependable of how stiff you wanted to make the fabric you use one or two spoons with wood glue or white glue. the wood glue is much stiffer , the white glue is more bendable after all. There are other brands that are very expensive but they will all break after a month when you try it to bend. so thiink of this. some are water proof allready and stands freezing weather conditions. c.starch. use the powder kind that you must boil to make your own fabric stiffner. make it extra strong. it will be more stiffer then the pva kind. not water proof as well.
Lay down on the floor or your working table a big large plastic sheet.
Lay above that your half part of the mosquito net or the glass curtain with white mazes.
Lay on the mosquito net your fibres, you must make them loose dependable which look you want to have. thin or just thicker. no 4 You must add directly the glimmer xmas fibers on top of it. and cover them too with a thin layer of fibres.
Lay on the open part some fibres and on the glimmer fibers some as well. other wise they don't are glued together after all. I used those 3 colours apart of each other but you can use all mised together as well. i used them did way because i would made an flame look alike webbing fabric. Just use your fantasy and creativity. you can use too your animal hairs or your own;-D all is possible;-D Cover with the other half part of the musquito net the fibres.
Now take your glue and rub the glue trough the gaze of the masquito net make it sooo wet with the glue that the glue will gome to the other side of the musquito net. you will see that the fibres will become less thick!!!!
do t he same with the other side. And let it dry!!! NOTE let it dry , if you have used the white or wood glue or the special expensive fabric stiffners that is on acrylic basic , and you will lay it on one side to dry then the backside become a 'plastic' thin layer. if you don't like that, then you must the whole time turn over both sides during the proces. you can use a hair dryer to let it dry quicker i didn't
now the tricky part. if you are sure that the webbing is dried totally you must take your time to pull it carefullyll and slowly of one of the mosquito net.
okay now pull the other side slowly and carefully of the mosquito net.
On the picture you see the webbing laying down on the floor you see that it has lost his heavyness and thickness .!!!
when you hold it in front of the window or light you see that it is really thin and beautiful. Now you are ready.
Hope you liked it and hope you try this out too much fun and use your amagination and creativity. Feel fry to ask your questions. Thank you for stopping by.