Cut Out + Keep

Making Worm Casting Fertiliser

Small Space Organics • Posted by Hardie Grant

Composting worms recycle kitchen and vegetable bed waste into castings. These can be collected and mixed with water in a simple process to produce a liquid fertiliser and tonic for plants.

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 20


Nice & Simple
Medium smallspace draft 416


Composting worms recycle kitchen and vegetable bed waste into castings. These can be collected and mixed with water in a simple process to produce a liquid fertiliser and tonic for plants.


  1. Small smallspace draft 414

    Worm castings ready to harvest.

  2. Small smallspace draft 415

    The castings are mixed with water.

  3. Small smallspace draft 416

    The resulting liquid is strained through a stocking to remove any coarse material.

  4. ...

  5. Small smallspace draft 419

    The worm casting liquid is applied to young seedlings as a fertiliser and tonic to stimulate microbial activity.