Treat your hair to a super moisturizing hair mask.
I dye my hair frequently, so I like to use this mask (or some variation of it) once to three times a week. It leaves my strands silky to the touch :-)
Try this hair mask when you feel like pampering yourself. You'll adore combing your fingers through your oh-so soft hair after you've rinsed it out. It's easy to make, cheap and effective!
Lora G. added Make An Oh So Soft Hair Pack to body 26 Jan 11:26
Step 1
Gather all ingredients. You'll be needing one to two eggs (depending on the length of your hair- one egg for short to shoulder length hair, two eggs for anything past the shoulder), honey, mayonnaise (full fat please, ladies), apple cider vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. Make sure you grab a bowl to mix your ingredients in!
Step 2
Time to mix your ingredients! First, separate the egg yolk(s) and egg white(s) from your egg(s). Put *only* the yolk(s) in your bowl. Next, add in a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Then add at *least* half a cup of mayonnaise (depending on your hair length, you may need more than half a cup). Lastly, add TONS of honey! You want to use at minimum half a cup of the golden liquid- in my experience the more honey used, the silkier the hair (I add up to one cup to my mask).
Step 3
Now for the fun part- you can add in any other beneficial ingredients you'd like! Add a generous dollop of aloe vera gel or even mashed up banana or avocado. Drizzle in a dab of sweet almond oil, coconut oil, or whatever suits your fancy. To combat damaged hair, add up to half a cup of liquefied cucumber to your mix (make sure to add a little bit more mayo to ensure a creamy texture!). The mask works brilliantly on its own, but I find half the fun is in experimenting with ingredients.
Step 4
Once all your ingredients are mixed, massage the mask onto your hair starting at the ends, working your way up to the roots. Make sure you slather the most amount of mask on from your ears down. This can be very messy, so make sure you are standing over a sink! Wash your hands and just to keep it neat (and lock in moisture), make sure to use a shower cap.
Step 6
Shower time! Stand under the water and rinse a good portion of the mask out of your hair, focusing on your roots. Shampoo and condition as usual- if you can, try to leave your conditioner on for a little bit extra (and even apply a little bit more to your ends). After rinsing my hair of all product, I like to apply a dime size amount of extra virgin olive oil to my hair- mainly below the ears (I make sure to rub it in well). This leaves my hair extra soft- kinda like a leave in conditioner.
Sounds great but honey is too expensive for me to use a lot.
its funny cause all that your first step is missing is potatoes..haha