Make Your Own Polaroid Photos
Polaroid Photos
Posted by Sophie F.
You Will Need (3 things)
- Photos
- Scissors
- Computer
Steps (11 steps, 10 minutes)
Go to the website and download the free poladroid program onto your computer.
Open the poladroid program on your computer.
Select the photo you want to turn into a polaroid and either place it on your desktop or open the folder it is saved into.
Drag and drop one photo at a time over the 'machine'.
It will then develop your photo. It takes about two minutes to fully develop.
When it is fully developed a red cross will appear on your photo (this won't be on the finished photo) and the photo will save to your 'pictures' file on your computer, you can change the destitution it will be saved to in the settings.
Your finished photo will then look like a real polaroid! If you are not happy with the colour or position of the photo you can change these in the settings also.
To change the intensity of the photo you can go to, preferences then post processing.
Then you can print your photos out on your own printer at home or if you want the proper glossy effect you can get them printed out at your local photographers.
Because you can't get photos printed out professionally in a square I had to trim some off. To get a perfectly straight line use a guillotine or if you don't have one you can just use scissors and a ruler.
Then display them where ever you want, they really brighten up the mood of a room and make plain walls a little less boring.