The black rectangle in step 10 is the back cover of the journal-I just covered it w/ black paper.
Book cloth is a special material-it is available at any craft or art store that has bookbinding supplies. You can try using a regular fabric instead, but I don't know how that will work.
Where are you located? I buy my bookboard from NY Central Art Supply in NYC, but you can find it at any art store that carries bookbinding supplies. Also, you can order online from Hope thus helps!
I usually can't find the specific materials because nobody imports them to my country.... I will try using regular fabric to see if it works!
The black rectangle in step 10 is the back cover of the journal-I just covered it w/ black paper.
Book cloth is a special material-it is available at any craft or art store that has bookbinding supplies. You can try using a regular fabric instead, but I don't know how that will work.
I hope this helps!
in step 10, what's the black rectangle in the side of the booklet pages?
is "book cloth" some sort of special material? what can I use instead?
Thanks a lot for your help!! I really can´t wait to try out this tutorial!
Thanks to everyone for favoriting my tutorial!
For those of you who want to make a journal and can't find the supplies, I'll have kits up on my website soon!
Where are you located? I buy my bookboard from NY Central Art Supply in NYC, but you can find it at any art store that carries bookbinding supplies. Also, you can order online from Hope thus helps!