Make Sushi Like Me(:

Make a Sushi Plushie Like me (:

Posted by VeronicaSunshinee(:



You Will Need (4 things)

  • Stuffing
  • 2 Long Pieces of Thread Thread
  • 2 Circles of Felt
  • 1 Needle

Steps (4 steps, 40 minutes)

  1. 1

    The things you will need is 3 different colors of Felt. 2 colors of felt if your not going to do the heart Shape(: Then you'll need Stuffing :D
    To make the sushi all Puffed and Fluffed! And 2 Long Pieces of thread. And of course, a needle, so you can Sew it all Together.And Black thread to make a face on it! Ex- .___. ; 0 3 0 ; > .< ; Etc.
    Its Optional Tho(:

  2. 2

    Okay! First,cut out all The Pieces you will need :D Which is the strap of felt 5in long and 1in Wide. Then the circles, You'll need 2. And 1 or 2 hearts,i used only 1. Make sure the hearts are not bigger than the circles.

  3. 3

    Then with the strap of felt, sew on the expression you want on it. Any color thread, but i prefer black thread(: Then sew the ends together. After, sew the first circle
    on the bottom, and then grab some stuffing and stuff some in there from the top (: Then continue to sew on the 2nd circle on the top.
    (only if your not adding the heart) -And if you are adding the heart sew it on one of the circles BEFORE you sew it on the strap-

  4. 4

    And Wa-La! Your Sushi Plushie is now Finished :D Hope you liked how it came out,Comment what you feel about it :]