Cut Out + Keep

Make Rubber Stamps Yourself.

Easy peasy rubber stamps. • Posted by Luloveshandmade

Making stamps yourself is super easy and you can grow your own collection of stamps for various occasions.

You will need

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0 h 20


Nice & Simple
Medium img 6247


Making stamps yourself is super easy and you can grow your own collection of stamps for various occasions.


  1. Small weihnachtsstempel 2kopie

    You need: - An eraser / rubber - An inkpad - A pencil - A cutter set for linoleum

  2. Small weihnachtsstempel 3kopie

    1. Draw your motif onto an eraser. 2. + 3. Choose the cutter with a small width. 4. Use it to cut out the outlines. 5. Choose a cutter with a bigger width. 6. Use it to cut out the areas between the pencil lines.

  3. Small stempel 2013  2

    Try out your stamp and see of there's anything you want to correct. You can make all different kinds of stamps and for example use them to embellish your Christmas mail. :) Have fun, Lu