Make A Easy Paper Rose!

make easy roses!

Posted by Arina S.


This is my First how-to. I hope you enjoy it!
Sorry is my English isn’t perfect!
The original how to found on


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Glue Or Tape
  • Paper , In The Colour You Like
  • Scissors

Steps (9 steps, 300 minutes)

  1. 1

    Get your stuff ready!

  2. 2

    Cut petals from the paper,
    You can also fold the paper a couple times, so the petals are the same,
    you can cut as many as you want to, I made 8 petals

  3. 3

    Crumple al the petals

  4. 4

    Unfuld them and crumple again.

  5. 5

    Here are your petals :)

  6. 6

    Make the center of the roe, and tape or glue it

  7. 7

    fold all the petals around the centerpiece. tape or glue them to the center

  8. 8

    keep going until you think that the rose is enough

  9. 9

    (you can put them on a stick and make them more beautiful with flower tape, but is didn’t have any)
    And finished is your rose!