
Made from Outta Date Mags to GR8 Bag

Posted by SuperCool and Really Trendy


My son Aaron is always buying mags to go with the games he plays!He is also an avid reader of GamesMaster and buys a copy every month!He keeps them for about a year then gives them to make paper-beads,magazine bowels and anything else I can think of to keep up with my paper addiction!I really hate putting them in the recycle bin out-side!So here is a MagBag I made!
I made some really long strips (the kind for candy bracelets, on this site) and sewed them together!(Boy was that hard!)Holes everywhere!But I carried on...and on ...and on.It took me about a week to make enough to get the right depth for the bag!It was a subistute for knitting (I made about 2 a night, cos I have other stuff to do besides my crafty know,!!!
I looked in my sewing box and found some strapping (from another thing I recycled)then using my Crop-a-Dile hole punch (which goes though all kinds of stuff and has a long reach) I made some handles.
To give it extra strengh I lined it with duck tape.
I really hate throwing stuff day they maybe so useful again!These were...not only were they cheap and chearful I now have a very stylish bag!


You Will Need (5 things)

  • 2 Two Or Three Magazine s
  • Sellotape
  • Credit Card
  • Strong Thread /String
  • Strapping (For Handles)