Cut Out + Keep

Magazine Bowls

Based on Magazine Bowls by SarahPOOF. • Posted by butlerbear

This has taken my ages ( in between child care! ) I went for a wide flat bowl. i also started grouing the pages accoring to the main color down the centre. I think it would work really well to that from teh beginning to give the bowl some organised colour patterns. I love it and gonna put some fruit in it, my husband is not so sure... ha ha!

You will need


2 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium dscn0966 Medium dscn0967


This has taken my ages ( in between child care! ) I went for a wide flat bowl. i also started grouing the pages accoring to the main color down the centre. I think it would work really well to that from teh beginning to give the bowl some organised colour patterns. I love it and gonna put some fruit in it, my husband is not so sure... ha ha!
