Cut Out + Keep

Magazine Bowls

Based on Magazine Bowls by SarahPOOF. • Posted by Siobhan P.

I really happy with the outcome- looks great and is completely useable. This one measures 20cm in diameter. I may start selling these on my Etsy in the future. I basically used the how to but gradully changed a few things along the way that made construction easier and make the overall bowl look even better. A few tips: - The thiner the magazine paper the better. I tired using some thicker card magazines but they honestly don't work as well. - When using A4ish size magazines cut them in half equally vertically so that its still A4 in lenght but half the width. The paper folds easier and create a better circluar pattern for the bowl. - When glossing/ sealing the bowl once made I used pure PVA and coated the inside and out twice each- this really seals it well and it hardens alot. If anyone has anymore questions feel free to ask.

You will need


8 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium img 6722 1312397998


I really happy with the outcome- looks great and is completely useable. This one measures 20cm in diameter. I may start selling these on my Etsy in the future. I basically used the how to but gradully changed a few things along the way that made construction easier and make the overall bowl look even better. A few tips: - The thiner the magazine paper the better. I tired using some thicker card magazines but they honestly don't work as well. - When using A4ish size magazines cut them in half equally vertically so that its still A4 in lenght but half the width. The paper folds easier and create a better circluar pattern for the bowl. - When glossing/ sealing the bowl once made I used pure PVA and coated the inside and out twice each- this really seals it well and it hardens alot. If anyone has anymore questions feel free to ask.
