• Posted by SarahPOOF.
I saw these for sale at San Deigo Zoo on the summer holidays for like $20 and I decided I could make them instead so, I did! I bet that's a typical thought for a crafty gal like us =]
I saw these for sale at San Deigo Zoo on the summer holidays for like $20 and I decided I could make them instead so, I did! I bet that's a typical thought for a crafty gal like us =]
First of all grab 2 or 3 old magazines and rip all the pages out of it. It's suprisingly satisfing..
Fold one in half. Unfold it then fold the two edges into the middle. Fold the edges into the middle again and once more.
Grab your glue stick and put a little bit on the paper. Fold it in half, glue side in.
Roll your strip up into a little spiral. It may be a bit hard at first and might rip a little but dotn worry, it gets easier as it goes on. Tape the end to itself.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 and the tape the start of this strip to the same place the first one finished. Roll it around its self and tape the end.
Keep repeating the previous step until you have a big enough disk. The size really depends on how big you want your bowl... mine is about 25cm wide. Now you have to take your disk and pull the top up and move it around until you have your desired bowl shape. Try using a real bowl as a guide. (Im really bad at explaining stuff)
Now cafefully take your bowl and varnish it so it stays strong and shiny. (I like shiny tings!) I didnt have any varnish or a brush so i used watered down PVA and a sponge.
Ta da! There you have a beautiful, earth friendly bowl that you can use for what ever you wish. I use it to put the contents of my pockets in at the end of the day. eg. phone, keys, lip balm...