Oh, dude, I remember trying to make this years and years ago (when I was, like, thirteen) and I never did finish it because I couldn't find any varnish. Now I can make one for real!
the drastically hateful comments on this project are unnecessary and excessive in my opinion. this is a website to share and encourage. maybe you just aren't good at this kind of project and could word your statements in a more productive manor. maybe? who knows. i could be wrong. I found this project extremely time consuming yet fun in the end! Next time I'm going to do this with a group of people (at least the folding part)
Can't wait to make this! I think gluing a strip of ribbon to the outer rim on the top would be super cute. maybe add a little bow or some buttons?...hmmmm...
hey friends
I didn't use varnish, I just used watered down PVA glue
Yeah, You could try with the phone book but it mightn't be stiff enough? you know?
You probably don't have to glue the final fold together but it makes it a bit easier.
And fwermog d., sorry my bowls aren't good enough for you! GOSH!
happy crafting
finally! I hate throwing away old magazine because i know there is something i can do with them. Now i will start making them tomorrow. YAY!. I needed a project that didnt need all kinda of material
what a waste of time. first of all these are really bad instructions. Second if you plan to make a big bowl like i did it will not work. There is no support in the bowl it will collapse in on itself. Varnish sucks as well on it. Please save yourself the time and do another project. with the amount of time i spent on this waste of paper i could have done something more productive.
Thank you so much for this! I made a great big one for my kitchen table and then loads of little ones that I left flat, varnished and now have matching coasters!
I was just lookiing online for a bowl JUST LIKE THIS to go on my hall table. I was about to spend £30 on one! Thank you so much for this how-to i LOVE it! XxX
My craft group cannot find enough old mags to make these! so relaxin!!!So cheap to make!
I would be lying if I said I don't like them myself! Cos I love paper! I think I have a healthy fetish for it!
My craft group cannot find enough old mags to make these! so relaxin!!!So cheap to make!
I would be lying if I said I don't like them myself! Cos I love paper! I think I have a healthy fetish for it!
I think I saw this somewhere but forgot all about the technique. Thanks for the reminder and instructions, I am going to get right on this, knowing I kept those magazines for more than ordinary recycling!
CO + K User
God bless
I didn't use varnish, I just used watered down PVA glue
Yeah, You could try with the phone book but it mightn't be stiff enough? you know?
You probably don't have to glue the final fold together but it makes it a bit easier.
And fwermog d., sorry my bowls aren't good enough for you! GOSH!
happy crafting
how annoying!
can yuou give me a link of it?
can yuou give me a link of it?
can yuou give me a link of it?
I would be lying if I said I don't like them myself! Cos I love paper! I think I have a healthy fetish for it!
I would be lying if I said I don't like them myself! Cos I love paper! I think I have a healthy fetish for it!
CO + K User
*hunts for magazines*
Hee hee