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Mad Hatter Hat For Blythe Alice In Wonderland

Another Blythe Creation. Mad Hatter Hat • Posted by Fashion Diva Crochet

I love making Blythe hats. This one is in tribute to the new Alice in Wonderland movie. Johnny D rocked as the Mad Hatter, and so I wanted to make a hat that looked like his in the movie. Torn between two worlds, Alice is caught between the questions of "Do I stay?? or Do I go?? I handmade the pins as well as everything on the hat.

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Reasonably Priced


3 h 00


Medium blythe alice 1278632187 Medium twiddlealice 1278632915


I love making Blythe hats. This one is in tribute to the new Alice in Wonderland movie. Johnny D rocked as the Mad Hatter, and so I wanted to make a hat that looked like his in the movie. Torn between two worlds, Alice is caught between the questions of "Do I stay?? or Do I go?? I handmade the pins as well as everything on the hat.
