• Posted by Shop Showcase
Take your leather piece and bend in half. Thread both ends of the leather into the button and slide the button to the middle. Tie an overhand knot to secure the button in place.
Using a clipboard or similar, place the button face-down on the top of the board and clip the button in place. Clip the loose leather ends to the bottom of your board.
Using clear nail varnish, paint each end of the knotting cord, approx 2cm and allow to dry. This makes the cord stiff which helps when threading the beads onto the cord. Pass the knotting cord underneath the leather cords at the top, close to the button. Position the centre of the knotting cord under the leather, making sure that there are equal amounts of knotting cord either side of the leather.
Next, begin macrame square knots to secure the cord to the leather as follows: Start with the left hand side of the nylon cord, making a loop across the leather (a). Place the right side knotting cord ON TOP of the left side cord. Pass the right side cord underneath the left side cord, the leather and up through the loop on the left side (b).
Pull both cord ends tight into a knot. This is one half of the macrame knot, repeat the same steps but beginning on the right side (c) (d):
Continue with the knots to form 2 full macrame knots (left and right sides). Next, add a 4mm bead to each side of the knotting cord and then continue to make another full macrame knot (starting on left side with loop). Pull tight so that the beads sit in place next to the leather (e):
After each macrame knot slide another bead onto each side of the cords and continue to knot. Add aaprox 48 beads for an adult wrist (f).
Once all beads are added, finish with 2 full macrame knots in the same way as you started the bracelet. Remove from the clipboard and tie a knot in the leather close to the last macrame knot. Leave a gap in the leather which the button will fit though and tie another knot (g). Snip the leather ends. Seal the last macrame knot with a little jewellery cement or craft glue.