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Macaroni Cheese Bake

Macaroni Cheese Bake with a twist • Posted by Super Madcow

Macaroni Cheese with a twist. This is better than just ordinary macaroni. It is made with the addition of bacon. Every one knows that bacon improves everything. It has a rich creamy cheese sauce with small smokey bacon bits and a crispy cheese topping. Delicious!!!!!

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Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium img00843 Medium img00834 Medium img00842


Macaroni Cheese with a twist. This is better than just ordinary macaroni. It is made with the addition of bacon. Every one knows that bacon improves everything. It has a rich creamy cheese sauce with small smokey bacon bits and a crispy cheese topping. Delicious!!!!!
