• Posted by Mod Podge Amy
We all know what day is coming soon - Valentine’s Day! You don’t need a spouse or significant other to show your love for someone. In fact, I made this recycled gift box for my mom! She’s always supported and been there for me, and to show my love I got her a gift card for a pedicure. To make the presentation delightful, I took a candy box from Christmas and dressed it up a bit. You won’t believe how easy this to make, and it just takes a few minutes.
We all know what day is coming soon - Valentine’s Day! You don’t need a spouse or significant other to show your love for someone. In fact, I made this recycled gift box for my mom! She’s always supported and been there for me, and to show my love I got her a gift card for a pedicure. To make the presentation delightful, I took a candy box from Christmas and dressed it up a bit. You won’t believe how easy this to make, and it just takes a few minutes.
Here’s the box before I started. I was lucky that it was already red and cute. If you aren’t as lucky, add some acrylic craft paint into the mix (FolkArt). Paint your box before you move onto the next step.
Place the top of the box face down on the backside of the paper (select a piece that matches your box) and trace. Set the box aside.
Cut inside the line with the scalloped scissors - make sure you have even edges, even if you have to trim a little extra off.
Use your Glue Dots to line the backside of the paper. I probably used about 10 - 15 Glue Dots and got around the edges. I didn’t put one on every scallop, just about every inch. I also put a few in the middle. Place the paper down on the top of the box in the center, and make sure to press down well.
This is the most fun part! Stick down the embellishments, including the letters and the red gems. Pick whatever you like and looks good! I can’t wait to give this to my mom - she’s going to love it. The best part? When she’s done with the box, she can redecorate it and give it again. I love recycled crafts! Happy Valentine’s Day!