Cut Out + Keep

Lucky Stars

Based on Lucky Stars by Kameeri • Posted by Merriwen

I saw these lovely lucky stars by Kameeri and had to have a go. I decided to fill a jar with them and use it for instead of sweets for a "Guess the number in the jar" for a fundraiser... I am amazed that it took over 100 stars to fill the coffee jar! Thank you Kameeri for the fabulous tutorial!

You will need


0 h 01


Pretty Easy
Medium chair and stars 38 1246468546


I saw these lovely lucky stars by Kameeri and had to have a go. I decided to fill a jar with them and use it for instead of sweets for a "Guess the number in the jar" for a fundraiser... I am amazed that it took over 100 stars to fill the coffee jar! Thank you Kameeri for the fabulous tutorial!
