A jar full of love ! <3
This is a great gift to give to anyone you care about!
I just decorated a jar, and on the outside wrote "I love you because..." The inside of the jar was filled with a bunch of little paper hearts that completed the sentence with reasons why I love that person. It's really endearing and really simple if you care about the person enough (:
BHAVANI C. favorited Love Jar! 13 Feb 07:33
marlene j. added Love Jar! to Love 12 Jan 21:12
Rapunzel favorited Love Jar! 12 Sep 22:06
orenintre favorited Love Jar! 07 Aug 19:24
You Will Need
Binki posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
i love how simple it is and how u can still tell someone how u feel! and they can read about it everyday! ^_^
im deffinetly gonna do this ;]
i love how simple it is and how u can still tell someone how u feel! and they can read about it everyday! ^_^
im deffinetly gonna do this ;]