Love Poems

To Josh.

Posted by PinkWeeds


Over the past 7 years I've written tons of poems for my boyfriend so I decided for our anniversary this year I would give them to him as a book.
I started by dying the paper in coffee and earl grey tea (his favorites) and a few sheets in raspberry tea (mine). I then wrote out all the poems in a sort of calligraphy inspired cursive.

I found sheet music from As the World Falls Down from Labyrithn and used that to make little pockets to keep messages and pictures in. I dried and pressed flowers and mod podged them onto the pages. I also cut out each of our silhouttes out of leather and attatched them to the pages using glue.

Finally I bound all the pages together in leather and closed it off with a ribbon. I'll be giving it to him tonight but I'm sure he'll love it.


You Will Need (14 things)

  • Leather
  • Paper
  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Oven
  • Ribbon
  • Button(s)
  • Leather Needle
  • Calligraphy Felt Pens
  • Leather Thread
  • Sheet Music
  • Glue
  • Pressed Flowers
  • Time