Cut Out + Keep

Loopy Ladybug (1 3 Years)

POOR THING ITS FEELING A LITTLE LOOPY FROM ALL THE CHRISTMAS CHEER and thats supposed to say 1 to 3 years not 13 k • Posted by joanne.mccreath

LOVE THIS BEANIE CAUSE IT IS KINDA QUIRKY. FOUND THE PATTERN ON CRAFTSY FOR $3.99 BY This pattern is Copyright created and designed by LuzAmigurumiPatterns. This pattern may not be distributed in any form. You are welcome to sell the items that you make using the pattern

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


6 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium loopy ladybug 007 Medium loopy ladybug 005 Medium loopy ladybug 008 Medium loopy ladybug 002 Medium loopy ladybug 004


LOVE THIS BEANIE CAUSE IT IS KINDA QUIRKY. FOUND THE PATTERN ON CRAFTSY FOR $3.99 BY This pattern is Copyright created and designed by LuzAmigurumiPatterns. This pattern may not be distributed in any form. You are welcome to sell the items that you make using the pattern
