Cut Out + Keep

Loom Knitted Todler Hat

Doesn't Milou look funky! • Posted by Marieke

This is really easy, I used the red knifty knitter. Lots of tutorials on the web available. Once you made one, you'll never forget how it works anymore. The matching scarf is crochet.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium nieuwe muts  17 10 2009 004 1255780744 Medium nieuwe muts  17 10 2009 001 1255780808 Medium nieuwe muts  17 10 2009 015 1255781168 Medium nieuwe muts  17 10 2009 014 1255781176 Medium sjaal gehaakt  17 10 2009 001 1255882270


This is really easy, I used the red knifty knitter. Lots of tutorials on the web available. Once you made one, you'll never forget how it works anymore. The matching scarf is crochet.
