Look At Me

First attempt on actually using water on watercolour pencils

Posted by AthAlba


There's this pose that I like in "The One" manhua and I decided to use it as an inspiration for this drawing.

I also tried to use water on my watercolour pencils but it doesn't really look like the one's on the ad. boo.

I lined it with Snowman drawing pen (0.3) because it would look really thin if I didn't. Normally I just wouldn't care but the paintbrush made it all blotchy.

Anyways, it's a good enough drawing for me. :)


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Thin Watercolour Brush
  • Watercolour Pencil(s) Luna and or Faber-Castell. I use both.
  • Pencil(s) 2B
  • drawing Paper
  • Snowman drawing Pen(s) 0.3