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Longhorn Tea

A refreshing Texan inspired tea and vodka cocktail • Posted by Cat Morley

A classic Texan drink, this cocktail combines sweet tea with vodka and orange to make a refreshing cooler!

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Medium 105736 2f2014 11 21 154414 img 8895


A classic Texan drink, this cocktail combines sweet tea with vodka and orange to make a refreshing cooler!


  1. Small 105736 2f2014 11 21 154141 img 8890

    Fill a glass with ice and pour in the Tito's vodka.

  2. Small 105736 2f2014 11 21 154209 img 8892

    Pour in the tea and stir.

  3. Small 105736 2f2014 11 21 154226 img 8893

    Sweeten to your liking with simple syrup.

  4. Small 105736 2f2014 11 21 154244 img 8895

    Cut an orange into slices and place one on your glass. Squeeze the juice from the other slices into your drink and pop in your glass before serving.