• Posted by Cat Morley
Experiment with the long exposure setting on the Lomo'Instant and paint light trails in the air for a stunning night time shot.
Experiment with the long exposure setting on the Lomo'Instant and paint light trails in the air for a stunning night time shot.
Wait until it gets dark and find the perfect location for your first shoot.
Switch the camera on to the C setting for Creative Mode with the flash off.
Switch the Shutter to B for bulb, which will let you take a long exposure.
Set the Exposure Compensation Dial to +2 and place the camera on a tripod.
You'll need a friend to help with the next bit. With your shot framed nicely and ready to photograph, have one person hold down the Shutter Release Button without letting it slide back to take a photo. Meanwhile, the other person can run across the shot holding a torch painting shapes in the air.
After 30 seconds or so, let the Shutter Release Button spring back to print the shot.