Cut Out + Keep

Long Distance Love Letters

Because snail mail is making a comeback... in 2 to 3 weeks (+shipping and handling) • Posted by Whit

My boyfriend who lives in Canada (no, really!) is amazing. So in order to keep the romance alive while we wait out the weeks until the next visit, I'm doing my best to flood his inbox with home made love letters. This was made from some nice high-quality paper I had stashed in the house, an old book of sheet music (Die German arias!), a polka dot ribbon and my trusty glue gun.

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0 h 15


Nice & Simple
Medium dscn0069 1299373489 Medium dscn0067 1299373650


My boyfriend who lives in Canada (no, really!) is amazing. So in order to keep the romance alive while we wait out the weeks until the next visit, I'm doing my best to flood his inbox with home made love letters. This was made from some nice high-quality paper I had stashed in the house, an old book of sheet music (Die German arias!), a polka dot ribbon and my trusty glue gun.
