Cut Out + Keep

Lolita Headband

For All You Lovely Lolita's Out there • Posted by ♥ Mimi Foxtrot♥

it came out flat-ish...that's because I had to held it down with my video game cases to make sure it woun't pel be honest, this was my first attempt, and I was just winging it as i go....OK! NOTE: ThatI don't suggest using glue for's been a few days and my felt was very i'm heartbroken...but this is just a fare warning that you should sew this instead

You will need

Project Budget


64 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium dscn2965 1245601378 Medium dscn2962 1245601447 Medium dscn2963 1245601461


it came out flat-ish...that's because I had to held it down with my video game cases to make sure it woun't pel be honest, this was my first attempt, and I was just winging it as i go....OK! NOTE: ThatI don't suggest using glue for's been a few days and my felt was very i'm heartbroken...but this is just a fare warning that you should sew this instead


  1. Small dscn2931 1245283767

    Grab the two felts and draw out the image of a long oval <- like so... The cut it can put it on top your head and see if ad justments are needed

  2. Small dscn2935 1245283803

    ok grab the thin ribbon and the glue....glue a line onto the one side of the felt and put down the ribbon still attached...then cut...repeat...and let dry for two hours ( I did this at night so it sat for the night) do till you get the results on step 3

  3. Small dscn2936 1245283819

    after dried

  4. Small dscn2938 1245283934

    ok...cut out a long long?...not sure but enough to make a can use the back of a t-shirt or go out to buy the fabric yourself..but fair warning, if you buy a fabric and it has frays at the them, dont glue'em... cause the ruffles wont come out well if you do (it'll have a fan kinda edge...unless that's what you want, then by all means)

  5. Small dscn2952 1245594204

    ok grab that threaded needle and (a lesson from my yo-yo necklace tut.) just scrunch it up onto the needle. If it doesn't come out the way you like it at first. do this: keep the threaded needle by and then by (your hand) sruntch it into a ruffle affect..then push you needle through the folds....if you want to check how long each stitch should be when making more, you can loosen it (no worries if tightened it'll go back.

  6. Small dscn2955 1245596066

    after the ruffles grab some of that thicker looking ribbon and measuring how long you want it to your head til the bottom of your chin and thensome...(you need to be able to tie it comfortably..) Well glue the one end to the wrong side...let dry for thirty minutes (or more if you put lots)

  7. Small dscn2957 1245596087

    once should spread some glue onto the bottom part of the top part of the head band (meaning: that cross-ribbon seprete part from step 3)....let this dry for an hour by the window (I left it for two because The Dark Knight was on HBO....<Joker3)

  8. Small dscn2958 1245596635

    the do the same with the bottom side....eave dry for another hour or two

  9. Small dscn2960 1245600570

    once dry glue the bowsonto the oppposite sides and your done!

  10. DIFFERENT OPTIONS! 1) instead of ruffles-use lace 2) instead of an oval like shape-use rectangle 3)explore different options of a headdress to wear as a lolita.. 4)this style may not be sutiable to all types of lolitas out there...go to that explains different styles of loita and maybe it'll help put a perspective on what you want to wear