Cut Out + Keep

Lolita Dolls Hat

Mini Lolita Hat by Lolita Dolls • Posted by Lolita Doll

I sadly forgot to take pictures before i started on the hat, but this is just the start. As you can see, there are more and I still plan on doing more to this hat asap. Sadly I am not 100% sure how long this has taken me so far. Did not realized I needed to time myself, but I know it did not take too long.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc00655 Medium dsc00656 Medium lolitahat 1295512024


I sadly forgot to take pictures before i started on the hat, but this is just the start. As you can see, there are more and I still plan on doing more to this hat asap. Sadly I am not 100% sure how long this has taken me so far. Did not realized I needed to time myself, but I know it did not take too long.
