Cut Out + Keep

Lolita Cutsew

Made from a simple long sleeve shirt and some eyelet lace • Posted by CountessAudronasha

Well, I made this from a LS shirt I had. What I did: I I gathered and sewed the eyelet lace around the neck and around the end of sleeves. I made it double on sleeves. Then I added ribbon threading lace on top and threaded it with black ribbon. That's a first cutsew I made. I hope to get better on this :)

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium img 0374 Medium img 0369 Medium img 0359 Medium img 0402


Well, I made this from a LS shirt I had. What I did: I I gathered and sewed the eyelet lace around the neck and around the end of sleeves. I made it double on sleeves. Then I added ribbon threading lace on top and threaded it with black ribbon. That's a first cutsew I made. I hope to get better on this :)
