Cut Out + Keep

Little Wire Bird Nest

Cute wire bird nest • Posted by

I actually followed two different tutorials for the post (the one not listed is from the Just Something I Made blog), but the link I have reminds you to wrap the bottom too! (Something I forgot the first time.) It's really quite simple to make. I just left an extra loop at the top to turn it into a pendant. Note: You don't need to buy the materials on the site. Just scroll down and they'll give you instructions for making the nest. :D

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 05


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf0842 1281078803 Medium dscf0844 1281078819


I actually followed two different tutorials for the post (the one not listed is from the Just Something I Made blog), but the link I have reminds you to wrap the bottom too! (Something I forgot the first time.) It's really quite simple to make. I just left an extra loop at the top to turn it into a pendant. Note: You don't need to buy the materials on the site. Just scroll down and they'll give you instructions for making the nest. :D
