Cut Out + Keep

Little Lamb Pillow

a little lamb pillow • Posted by Rellijac J.

I made this using materials available at home. Main fabric - wool, stuffing - recycled scraps of fabric cut into tiny pieces. Next one I do will be made of fleece which will not unravel....

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


3 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium  d7 aa d7 9e d7 95 d7 a0 d7 94142 1322758988 Medium  d7 aa d7 9e d7 95 d7 a0 d7 94142 1324191296


I made this using materials available at home. Main fabric - wool, stuffing - recycled scraps of fabric cut into tiny pieces. Next one I do will be made of fleece which will not unravel....
