Little Harry Potter Themed Decoration
An easy-to-make and pretty decoration for potterheads. :) it can be used as a hair clip, badge, brosche and more.
Posted by Blackberrypie
This is a very easy and low-budget thing to make, I only used stuff that can be found around the house, and it looks so cute :3
After you have finished, you can attach it to a hair clip, necklace, pin or anything at all. I wouldn't recommend wearing it outside though, it's pretty fragile.
Enjoy :3
You Will Need (8 things)
- tiny thin Wire
- A Wooden Stick
- bendable Wire (black and gray)
- 1 yellow Bead(s)
- Glue
- thin Cardboard
- Paper
- Scissors
Steps (9 steps, 120 minutes)
You will be making a little book, glasses, golden snitch and magic wand. Let's start with a book.
Put a bunch of papers together (depending on how thick your book will be) and cut out a small rectangle out of them. Those will be the pages. Then cut out two small cardboard pieces just a tiny bit bigger than the paper pieces. To make the cover prettier, I took some wrapping paper-like material and cut out a piece twice as big as the pages.
After that, just glue them together. You can also put in a little title like I did, or decorate it in your own way. I suggest gluing it completely, so that the pages won't separate.
That's 1/4 parts done. :3
While the glue on the book is drying, we will be making a golden snitch.
You'll need a little yellow bead (mine isn't exactly round but whatever), a thin and soft wire that's easy to bend, and if you want to you can draw spirals on the bead with a thin black marker.
Bend the wire to form the wings. You can make it all out of one piece of wire, just pull it through the center of the bead.
I have to give credit to Debbie-chan for this, her lockets inspired me on how to make the wings.
('re 2/4 done now. :3
For the glasses you will need a thin, bendable black wire (or you can paint it later). If you want, you can make little circles from transparent plastic to fill the holes. I gave this up and just used a wire. :p
After you bend the wire the glasses should look something like this. They should be pretty small, just a bit longer than the book.
This is 3/4 parts done. :3
For the wand you'll need a tiny wooden stick (I carved it out of a bigger piece of wood) and it should be black. You also need a really thin wire to make the spark thingies.
Just wrap the wires around the wand and form little spirals.
The wand should look like this in the end.
Now you have made 4/4 pieces, all that's left is to glue them together and wait at least a few hours for it to dry.
Have fun figuring out what to do with this... I still haven't. x3
Thanks for reading!