Cut Out + Keep

Little Black Parasol

For those oh so bright sunny days. • Posted by Jessy

I've wanted a little black lace parasol for as long as I can remember. But I could never find one in any vintage stores around here, and I didn't want to pay anywhere near the crazy prices I've seen them go for on the net. So when I saw this little white umbrella at Value Village for $3.99, I had to have it!

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Project Budget


8 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium dscf2941 1319883114 Medium dscf2943 1319883906 Medium dscf2901 1319884427 Medium dscf2903 1319885583 Medium dscf2939 1319885802


I've wanted a little black lace parasol for as long as I can remember. But I could never find one in any vintage stores around here, and I didn't want to pay anywhere near the crazy prices I've seen them go for on the net. So when I saw this little white umbrella at Value Village for $3.99, I had to have it!


  1. Small dscf2901 1313401647

    The first step is the hardest. Find a short umbrella! It took me years to finally find one I liked. I actually think mine is a child's umbrella, hence why it's so small, and the little nobs on the ends of the poles.

  2. Small dscf2905 1313403158

    First cut off the white cover. Don't cut the whole thing apart, you'll need it in a bit.

  3. Small dscf2913 1313409139

    Take your sand paper and sand any plastic parts you wish to paint. I had the handle, the nob on the top, and these little nobs on the ends of each of the umbrella poles. If you can't take the plastic parts off, I couldn't, then you can cover the wire work of the umbrella with saran wrap to keep the paint from gumming up the gears. After you give it a good sanding, spray paint it the color of your choice. I chose black naturally.

  4. Small dscf2907 1313404842

    While the paint is drying, take the original cover and cut out one of the triangles. Then lay that over your lace and cut out a triangle about a half inch bigger, on each side, for seam allowance. Then cut out 7 more the same size. You should have 8 triangles.

  5. Small dscf2909 1313404602

    Now you can start sewing the triangles together. Be sure the points are in the middle! I almost stared sewing one on backwards. Also make sure you don't sew up the hole in the very middle where the triangle points meet. You'll need the hole to put the lace on your umbrella later.

  6. Small dscf2911 1313406354

    Once you have the whole thing sewed together it should look something like this. Don't worry if it doesn't lay flat in a perfect circle, that won't matter once you get it on the frame. Now check your umbrella frame. If the paint is still wet, let it sit a little longer, and go ahead and spray it if it needs another coat of paint. After the paint is dry, spray it with a matte finishing spray. You don't really have to matte finish it, but I didn't want anything to scrape or rub the paint off.

  7. Small dscf2919 1313406677

    After the matte finish is dry, take the lace cover and pull it over the top of the frame through the hole you left at the top. Then sew it up nice and tight!

  8. Small dscf2921 1313407344

    Now pop open the frame and then sew it down on the ends. Most frames have little holes cut into the end of the poles, but mine had these little nobs. If it helps to sew the ends down you can close up the frame as you go along. After your done make sure to pop the frame open and that the umbrella curves slightly and that the frame doesn't look flat.

  9. Small dscf2923 1313410092

    Now turn the umbrella upside down and then sew the lace down to the middle of each pole. This will hold the lace in place as you close the frame down.

  10. Small dscf2925 1313410225

    Now for the strap that will hold the parasol closed. I measured the length I needed with the strap from the white umbrella. Fold over a few layers of lace and sew it up. Then sew on Velcro snaps on the ends. Then sew it down towards the middle of the frame on the lace.

  11. Small dscf2927 1313412271

    You should have something like this so far.

  12. Small dscf2934 1313412332

    Now pop open the frame. Take your ruffled black lace edging and start sewing it down on the edge of your parasol frame.

  13. Small dscf2941 1313413431

    And now you have a darling little black parasol that will make every one of your creepy loving friends jealous! Mine certainly are! :D