How I make my liquid soap
In a world where all of your shower gels and body washes and your bubble baths are full of sodium laurel sulphate or sulfoacetate, its really quite refreshing to see natural liquid soaps available on the market. My liquid soaps are usually a recipe of sunflower, coconut oils, some squalane, and wholesome glycerin. Sometimes I formulate recipes with shea butter and mango butters, absolutely divine! My liquid soaps are cooked a minimum of 8 hours, and then diluted with distilled water for 48 hours. The difference in liquid soap from solid soap is the type of lye used. For solid bars sodium hydroxide is used (NaOH) and for a liquid soap potassium hydroxide (KOH) is used. I know the word lye scares people, but rest assure that a properly made soap of any kind contains no lye after the entire process is over. I will post some info about how lye+ water+ oils turns into the creamy bubbly suds that we all love! Here’s the liquid soap process from start to finish.
autumn rose l. favorited Liquid Soap 13 Aug 22:02
Doodlebert added Liquid Soap to soaps n stuff 05 Jan 01:41
Doodlebert added Liquid Soap to Bake 21 Dec 07:37
Doodlebert added Liquid Soap to Bake 21 Dec 07:37