• Posted by Anna
I got the idea from a sim card I ordered. Its one piece of paper that you can decorate, fold up, them send to someone in the post. =]
I got the idea from a sim card I ordered. Its one piece of paper that you can decorate, fold up, them send to someone in the post. =]
Score all the lines and fold. Make sure they all meet up.
Heres a diagram. (Green needs to be 45 degrees) (Look at steps 4,5,6 below)
Decorate with some paint, printed pictures, and doodles.
Fold up. Instruction below.
Fold on red to the middle.
Fol on the purple half way over.
Fol on Green, half way triangle.
Add a sticker to the back. Also fold the end of the triangles into the flaps under it.
Adress it, stamp it, and send it in the post. =D