Let's Make Butter & Spread The Love!

It's easy. It's fun. It's YUMMY! Now with download for my labels!

Posted by maize hutton


Make some homemade butter as Valentine's Day gifts!


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • 1 pt Heavy Cream

Steps (5 steps, 15 minutes)

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    Let's make butter and spread the love this Valentine's Day!

    I was inspired by my crafty daughter (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree) who teaches preschoolers and had her little ones make butter as Christmas gifts for their parents.

    I wanted to try making some and even expanded on it by adding different ingredients.

    This is the best butter EVAH! You can even make it organic by using organic heavy cream!

    I don't know about you, but I can't find organic butter at my grocery store.

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    What you'll need:
    Clean baby food jars or small plastic containers. I found these mini storage containers at the Dollar Tree, which work great for kids.
    Organic heavy cream or heavy whipping cream.
    A pinch of salt. I used Kosher salt.
    Any extra ingredients you'd like to add such as red pepper flakes, garlic and herbs, chopped nuts or dried fruit, or sugar and cocoa. It's fun to experiment!

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    Let's get started!
    Make sure your containers are clean!
    Pour the cream into the container leaving just a bit of space at the top for the cream to expand.
    Add your ingredients-- a pinch of salt for salted butter and anything else you wish.
    Make sure the lid is secure.
    Hand everyone in the family a container full.
    Set a timer for 15 minutes.
    Turn on some music and then:
    Shake, shake, shake. Shake, shake, shake. Shake your butter! Shake your butter! You'll start to see and feel the cream solidifying while you're shaking it. Shake it until the timer goes off. If you're using larger containers, you'll need to shake it longer. You can remove the lid at anytime to check on your progress.

    Your butter is done! Have a taste! YUMMY!

    You can refrigerate it if you wish.

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    This is what it will look like when it's done.

    The cocoa butter tastes like a whipped frosting.

    The chili butter tastes great on toast!

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    I labeled mine with a typewritten piece of paper from a vintage tablet and drew on a red heart. Have your kids draw their own labels! Now you can download a copy of my labels here: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0BzNCjhrlXItCMDQzYTMxMTktM2M2YS00ZTI0LTlhOTUtYzAxZGEwYTliNjE4&hl=en&pli=1

    I cut out burlap and some other fabric and covered the lids. Then I tied it with some red string.

    These would make great wedding favors and would be a fun party activity for kids!

    Now, go make some butter and SPREAD THE LOVE!