Psychobilly bows!!
These bows are a bit fiddly, but look great once finished.
I bought the bones for the bows off an ebay fnacy dress shop. You can get packs of caveman jewellery and get all sizes of bones for different crafts etc.
I'll put a how to up soon, at the moment my pc is on the blink, and is refusing to co-operate.
Sorry about the picture being so dark.
Broken Bownes favorited Leopard Print Bone Hair Slides 01 Nov 20:06
Step 1
Place Large Bone on top of the front of the ribbon.
Pinch the ribbon either side of the middle of the bone to create a bow shape.
Step 2
Fold Leopard ribbon so that either end overlaps at the back.
Make a small stitch to keep the ends together.
Step 3
Take the smaller brown ribbon, and wrap around the pinched area. When happy with the tightness place a stitch through to hold everything in place.
Step 4
Place a small dab of glue under either end of the bone, to hold it firmly in place. Leave to dry.
Step 5
When the glue is dry, turn over the bow, and slide a kirby grip or bobby pin under the middle ribbon, so that one side of the pin is under the ribbon and the other side is visable.
If required add glue to the grip, otherwise do not glue and use grips on different bows/slides when necessary.
Reminds me a bit of Pebbles, from the flinstones