Cut Out + Keep

Leopard T Shirt

T-shirt, with leopard heart, • Posted by littlewii l.

So this is my first tutorial on I'm a german blogger and am usually publishing my tutorials on my blog. But I want to share them with you as well. If you're interested you can visit my blog. The Link is published in my profile. I hope you'll understand this tutorial. My english isn't that much good.

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 15


Pretty Easy
Medium img 1453


So this is my first tutorial on I'm a german blogger and am usually publishing my tutorials on my blog. But I want to share them with you as well. If you're interested you can visit my blog. The Link is published in my profile. I hope you'll understand this tutorial. My english isn't that much good.


  1. Small img 1349

    First cut out the fabric into the form of a heart. I used some already cutted paper board as a help. you can do so to ;)

  2. Small img 1352

    Second step is to cut the fusible web into the exactly form like the fabric motif was. I did it a bit wrong here... :/

  3. Small img 1353

    Then mark the position, where you want the heart to be with some sellotape. But remember to pull it of the t-shirt before beginning with the application!

  4. So now you have your fabric heart and fusible web heart. You put them together. The fusible web's paper site should be outside and not to the fabric heart. Then iron this. Afterwards pull the paper off. You'll see the fusible web sticking on the fabric.

  5. Small bl

    After pulling the paper off you will lay the fabric down with the site on the t-shirt where the fusible web is. so the site where the paper was just pulled off. Iron the Fabric on the t-shirt. THAT'S IT

  6. Small img 1461

    If you want to you can stitch the heart. So that it really sticks on the t-shirt. But the costumer in the store where i bought the fusible web told me that the fusible web allone would already be enough and i could put the t-shirt into the washer and nothings gonna happen.