• Posted by Donatella M.
I bet you have plenty of t-shirt that are too short but they are still in good condition and you want to save them!
I bet you have plenty of t-shirt that are too short but they are still in good condition and you want to save them!
this is the before and after transformation! pretty cool for a 20 minutes work, uh?
* get enough lace to match the circumference of the hem line of your top + about 4" (add a little extra if the lace has some large designs, so you'll be able to match the pattern on the sides) * the lace has to be wide enough for the extra length you'll need to add to your top, plus an extra 1" or 1-1/2"
* in my case, the lace was much wider, so I cut the extra width to meet my needs
* pin the lace under the hem of the shirt, just about over the double top-stitching of the hem. Leave an extra 1" on each side
* cut the lace following the pattern on the lace on each end * overlap the extra 1" on the sides, pin and sew.
* sew over the top-stitching on the from and the back, leaving about 1/2" near the sides un-sewn * use some fray-check on the trimming of the lace, just to be sure that it won't unravel.