Yummy bites of tangy goodness!!
I wanted to make a dessert to bring a friend's birthday party barbeque, but didn't want to have to deal with cutting and clean up. These tartlets were the perfect solution! Handheld mini-pies!
Sunnie favorited Lemon Tartlets 17 Feb 14:36
HylianWriter534 favorited Lemon Tartlets 27 Jun 06:14
cristinakilljoyway favorited Lemon Tartlets 25 Jan 22:17
bethany t. entered their project Lemon Tartlets to Pop Bakery 07 Sep 05:48
Step 5
Combine your sugar, lemon juice (4 tbsp if you like it really tangy :), baking powder, salt, and eggs together in a mixing bowl.
Beat on high speed with an electric hand mixer for about 3 minutes, or until it looks light and frothy.
Pour into your crusts. Try not to overfill, but honestly-these don't rise too much so if you get a little over zealous while you're pouring (like I did on a few) it will just take a bit more effort to get them out of the pan.
Step 6
Place in your preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes.
Take out of pan as soon as you can-I scooped mine out with a soup spoon (with relatively minimal damage)-and place on cooling rack.
You'll want to let these completely cool before you serve them-at least 20 minutes if not longer. If you want to speed it up find a nice stationary fan and cool that way. Even better-if you have room in your fridge stick them in for a while to get the quickest cooling.